
Natural Way To Boost Your Immunity 2020

Sometimes, without doing any activity we end up feeling tired and exhausted. One of the main reasons for this is under-charged body, due to lack of a healthy lifestyle. As we all know our immune system destroys any foreign body which threatens to harm your body. Immunity helps to keeps your body healthy and perked up. Low immunity level causes lack of zeal, and body aches. White blood cells are one of the core elements of the immune system including the mucous membranes as well as the skin. The constant communication helps them to fight the bacteria or any foreign body. If your body’s immune system is weakened it opens the door for innumerable diseases, which can lead to death.

Things To Do

Avoid too much of antibiotics. Instead of helping they may dig your grave even further.

Stop smoking

Sleep well, at least 8 hrs to get your body rejuvenated.

Drink plenty of fluids as it is a great supporter to increase the immunity level.

Some Natural Immune Booster for your body


Astragalus – This is a Chinese root which has been used in Far East as an excellent tonic food and medicinal plant. The root is sold all over the world in the form of six to twelve inch root. The root and its extracts are excellent immune system boosters. You can boil this root along with chicken broth to make an excellent soup. It has been used for lung problems, on and off cold bouts and shortness of breath. This is very useful for chronic ulcers and relentless external infections.

Echinacea is a highly recommended herbal plant used for various herbal remedies. It has been known to treat common cold, influenza and other kinds of infection. Echinacea increases the number of immune cells which helps in the act of increasing the immunity level. It is not toxic and does not have any side-effects making it such a useful herbal plant.

Have raspberries and plums as it contains Xylitol (sugar free sweetener) which helps to fight ear and sinus infection and tooth decay.

Increase zinc content in your diet. You can get your regular zinc supply through poultry, pork, fortified cereals, yoghurt, oysters and milk.

Vitamin A increase the level of immunity and you can have it in your diet by eating sweet potatoes, carrots, squash and pumpkin or any kind of orange vegetables.

Shiitake and maitake are best sources of mushrooms to increase your immunity level. It increases white blood cells to fight the bacteria.

Black or green tea also increases your immunity level. It has good source of polyphenols which helps in clearing the free radicals.


6 Great Habits To Improve Your Children’s Immunity


It is normal for your little kids to get fever, cough, or cold once in a while. However, don’t let the virus and bacteria disrupt their development.

Therefore, boost your kids’ immune system by doing these smart habits:

1. Breastfeeding

There’s no doubt that breast milk provides the best and complete nutrition for babies ever since they were born. The yellow colostrums, which come out in the early days after the labor, are proved to have antibodies that can protect babies from many illnesses, such as diarrhea and meningitis.

2. Consuming Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and vegetables are great sources of vitamins and minerals, as well as other nutrients to boost your kids’ health. Having them in daily menu will prevent your loved ones from infection.

3. Making Hygiene as a Way of Life

Washing their hands with soap is a very good start. Always do it before having meals, after using bathroom, after playing, and after handling their pets.

4. Having Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep can lead to the decline of body’s immunity. Taking a nap everyday is a good way to make your children have enough sleep. If they refuse it, put them to bed earlier in the evening.

5. Doing Exercises or Outdoor Activities

Ask them to join you doing exercises or enjoy playing outside together because these activities will increase your kids’ endurance. Playing soccer, hiking, and swimming are examples of exciting activities you can do with them.

6. Saying No to Tobacco

Smoking is so unhealthy. The smoke is even more damaging. If you or any other adults in the house smoke, better let go that bad habit for the sake of your kids’ health.

Simple habits, right? Yet you probably don’t recognize how important they are for your kids’ fitness. Talk about this with your spouse and both of you can start a new beginning with healthier kids and family.


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